Kristin Niebergall Real Estate
KN_Why the sunflower_

During the COVID-19 stay-at-home order, I had some time to reflect on my life and my business and where I want to go with it. This time made me realize that I need to be myself and be true to myself. I also realized we need a lot more sunshine in this world. I decided to take the opportunity to do a brand refresh in my business to reflect my true authentic self.

I chose the sunflower as my logo for many reasons. I spent a year abroad in college in Avignon, France and I was always in awe of the vast fields of bright yellow sunflowers, "les tournesols.'


I lived in Germany for 9 years after that and my husband, who was my boyfriend at the time, rode his bicycle to a field of sunflowers and brought a bouquet to me on our first date. When we got married, the hood of our car was decorated with a beautiful spray of sunflowers. The sunflower came to represent the happiest moments in my life.

The sunflower itself is bright and cheerful, resilient and strong.

It is also resourceful as it leans toward the sun.

Sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty and longevity.

Kristin Niebergall

Much of the meaning of sunflowers stems from its namesake, the sun itself. These flowers are unique in that they have the ability to provide energy in the form of nourishment and vibrancy-attributes which mirror the sun and the energy provided by its heat and light.

I feel that this is how I operate my business. I am loyal, resilient and strong and try to infuse energy into everything I do and everyone with whom I work. I try to be the beacon of light that guides my clients through their unique real estate journeys.

So moving forward, you will see my new branding in all of my marketing and communications and you will know what it stands for. It is me being the best I can be in order to do the best I can for you.

I will continue to be your advocate, resource, trusted partner and friend in real estate. Here's to a fabulous 2021!